Stories of Great Intercessors


Stories of great Intercessors.

The Desert Fathers: Anthony the Great

In the early centuries of Christianity, the Desert Fathers were known for their deep commitment to prayer and intercession. One of the most famous among them was Anthony the Great (A.D. 251 – A.D. 356). He dedicated his life to solitude in the Egyptian desert, engaging in intense spiritual warfare through prayer. Anthony’s encounters with demonic forces were frequent; however, he remained steadfast in his faith and discernment, often leading others through his prayers and counsel. His life exemplified how intercessory prayer can serve as a powerful tool against evil and for the benefit of others.

Berntine Kjeldaas: A Grandmother’s Intercession

Berntine Kjeldaas is another remarkable figure known for her intercessory prayers during World War II. Despite living in Norway during the Nazi occupation, she felt compelled to pray for the Jewish people facing persecution. Her prayers were not only personal but also part of a larger movement among Norwegians who risked their lives to save Jews from deportation to concentration camps. Kjeldaas’s unwavering faith led her to believe that God would restore Israel after the war—a prophecy that came true in 1948 when Israel became an independent nation.

Esther: Biblical Intercessor

Esther is one of the most celebrated figures in biblical history known for her role as an intercessor for her people during a time of crisis. When faced with annihilation due to Haman’s plot against the Jews, Esther fasted and prayed before approaching King Xerxes on behalf of her people. Her courage and reliance on prayer not only saved her nation but also demonstrated how collective intercession can lead to significant change.

Daniel: The Prophet’s Prayers

Daniel is another biblical figure recognized for his powerful intercessory prayers that influenced nations and kingdoms. In Daniel chapter 9, he prays earnestly for forgiveness on behalf of Israel while seeking God’s mercy regarding their captivity in Babylon. His prayers were pivotal in prompting God’s response that ultimately led to Israel’s restoration.

The Story of Tony Campolo and Charlie Stolzfus

One notable modern story of intercession involves Tony Campolo, a well-known sociologist and pastor. Before speaking at a chapel service, he was prayed over by eight men who laid hands on him. During this prayer session, one man prayed fervently for a man named Charlie Stolzfus, detailing his struggles and the need for divine intervention in his life. After the prayer meeting, while driving home, Campolo picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be none other than Charlie Stolzfus himself. This encounter led to a significant moment where Campolo was able to guide Stolzfus back to his family and faith. This story illustrates how intercessory prayer can lead to profound real-life outcomes.